Friday, September 17, 2004


Last night, I got a mail from Roopa with some of PK's choice quotes in them.

So, with some mirch-masala of my own, here goes!

Timeline->Around 4th or 5th Sem
Scene->PK's class

PK saying the usual bullshit. Class dying of boredom
PK (Turning around and spotting something disturbing): Ye, you two, why are you talking I say?
(Said two people being Muddy the Maniac and Kanth)
Muddy and Kanth (Frozen by the surprise factor): No, sir, we weren't talking..
PK (Cutting them mid sentence): See, why can't you wait till the class gets over I say? Afterwards you can do anything you want, you can go anywhere and be totally alone!
And who ever said PK wasn't capable of subtle humour? :D


srikanth kapali said...

kool ambar.however i make it clear that pk didn't say what he meant. what he said would hve been true in case of the 2 lesbos u know who i'm talking about guyz.

Ambar said...

ROTFL Kanth! Talk about politically incorrect!