Thursday, September 30, 2004

Back again...

Hey all...
Lots of posts again..Its really refreshing (& 100% yentertainment macha!!) Really good work, folks!
Wokay, so now where's the rest of the class..If the whole of the class was working in Infy which has no net access, for most of the time unless u get lucky like vikas did, the silence would be understandable..But unfortunately, at least 50% of the class has net access and can afford to spend some time on the blog.
Its really surprising that so fewwwwwwwwwww people are blogging..
Well, I was just going through some of the earlier blogs and read ambar's comment on it about crosswords, and did it bring some good memories! that was plain good fun! So do any ppl still find the time to do them? Or have your busy lives left you no time for such simple pleasures?
So do such simple pleasures count or is it the busy lives that matter, eh? What do u ppl think? Anything to say (or is it such a corny line, that it deserves no comment, whatsoever?)?


Ambar said...

Vikas got lucky? Who's the (un)lucky girl then? :D

Vikas.Y.V said...

Me lucky as in having a 24 hr hi-speed internet connection, u dumbo! and if i were to be lucky as u thought, u should ask (very) lucky girl, not (un) lucky! ;-)