Sunday, November 13, 2005


Aim: To get a break from stupid assignment and to give some rest to the rear end which is already sticking to the lab seat.

Abstract: Watch Elizabeth town which is vouched for by roommates in a solitary cinema hall in clemson.

Procedure : Go directly to the cinema at 9:40pm from the lab. Roomates to purchase the necessary ticket.

Result: Slight delay but BAD movie .. Had to think a lot to understand the story and finally give up.No story!! Confusinig and made me lose sleep for 2 hrs.

Conclusion: Never watch a movie which has the name of a city and boasts as intellectual movie.

Grade : C


Vikas.Y.V said...

Now, is the grade C for the movie or for the assignment? ;)

Srini said...

Actually it will the grade for the assignment I neglected and went for a movie. So it is the movie which is the culprit